Mentoring is a tool aimed at assisting professionals achieve their goals, by helping at the definition of the next steps of their careers
Professionals around the world are rethinking the meaning of work. To have logic, it must be aligned to their personal aspirations. In the information technology segment, the ponderations aren’t any different.
Beyond hard skills, constant changes and advances in the sector demand focus, clarity and determination of those who want to evolve in their careers. To do that, you need a perception of where you are, where do you want to be and what are the necessary tools to get there.
From this perspective, why not receive orientation from someone capable of understanding your needs and help you make more assertive decisions? Career mentoring offers these possibilities. Keep reading to find out what it is, how does it work and what are the main benefits.
What is career mentoring?
Caroline Gereks, career mentor at Datum
Mentoring is professional development tool whose purpose is to help IT professionals to reach their goals, aligning expectations between work and personal life, and helping to define the next career steps.
“As a mentor, I can say that the mentoring process is a great advance for tech companies. This niche has always been focused only on perfecting hard skills, but that’s just not enough anymore. Looking at topics such as soft skills, protagonism, and career self-management are fundamental so that companies and employees stand out in this ever competitive and accelerated market”, explains Caroline Gereks, career mentor at Datum.
How does it work?
The mentoring service can be external or internal. Some tech companies have been noticing the benefits of internal mentorship and have assembled a teams of mentors who are at the employees’ service. The mentors can be senior professionals of the same field, psychologists, coaches, and so on. In general, mentoring occurs in meetings (presential or virtual) in which mentor and mentees discuss aspects of professional and personal life, evaluate scenarios and, also, share experiences, frustrations, and accomplishments.
What are the main benefits?
The impacts of mentoring are evident, both for mentees and for the companies they serve. Here are some of the benefits:
• In a segment with high levels of staff turnover, mentoring collaborates to the retention of professional by aligning career and personal goals.
• To provoke professionals to expand their knowledge and face their own career in a more purposeful way, through the application of the best management tools.
• To awaken professional maturity by offering more assertive answers, insights, and orientations.
• To contribute to the professionals’ engagement on the projects they are working on.
Now that you know what mentoring is, we would like to present a tool to measure the engagement of tech teams. Click here to find out more!